Monday, April 27, 2009

How To Speed Up Windows 7 Taskbar Thumbnail Preview via Registry

Taskbar Thumbnail Preview is a new feature in Windows7, displays small thumbnail preview of opened window on your taskbar when you hover your mouse on taskbar icons.Taskbar Thumbnail Preview feature actually a resource hog. But if you have enough hardware resources , then it would add an extra appeal to your Windows 7 user interface .But one issue with Thumbnail Preview feature is, it takes some time(about 400 ms) to display thumbnail once you hover your mouse on taskbar icon by that time you can open actually window. By a simple registry tweak,you can change the delay time that the mouse pointer has to stay hovered over an item before that item’s thumbnail preview is displayed.

To speed up taskbar thumbnails in Windows7, do the following steps:

  • Open Windows 7 registry editor by click on the Start button, type regedit in the search box and hit enter.
  • Click yes if UAC(User Account Control) prompts.
  • Navigate to the registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse
  • Now locate MouseHoverTime key in right pan of registry editor
  • Double click on MouseHoverTime or right click modify and change value from 400 to any value less then 100 (400 is milliseconds) lower the value faster the thumbnail preview(Note:I don’t recommend selecting a value of 0 for this option).
  • Click ok and close the registry editor window.
You need to logout or restart the computer before the changes take effect.
Now check taskbar thumbnail preview by hovering mouse on taskbar icon and it should open faster.

1 comment:

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