Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Conficker-Virus Will Activate on the First of April

At the time of writing, the well-known Conficker-virus has infected approximately twelf million unique computers. These computers still function just like any regular uninfected computer. Though, researchers have been inspecting the source code of the virus and it seems that the Conficker-virus will do tremendous damage on the first of April.

Researchers hope it's an April fools joke, but they don't think so. The researchers reckon that the Conficker-virus will do alot of damage to the infected computers on the first of April. The virus will then connect with another computer, that will give the virus further (still unknown) instructions.

The consequences can be very fatal. The Conficker-virus can retrive and steal private information. Researchers of the American research institute SRI International claim that the virus has been distributed to enough computers to take down the Internet. It's possible that this is one big joke, to scare computer users for April fools day, but the researchers are taking this very seriously and don't believe it's a joke.

Meanwhile, some removal tools have been released to remove the Conficker-virus. Furthermore, Microsoft will reward $250.000 to the person who tracks the maker of the Conficker-virus. Anti-virus companies take the virus very seriously, so i strongly recommend you to download a removal tool if you suspect the Conficker-virus to be installed on your computer.

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