Saturday, September 12, 2009

Solution: Network Connections Folder is Empty


1. You can't connect to the internet
2. Network Connections folder is empty
3. Local Area Connections (LAN) icon on taskbar missing
4. Can't connect to Wireless connections (icon also missing)

This thing happens when one of the three files below are missing on your computer:
1. netshell.dll
2. netcfgx.dll
3. netman.dll
Download those files if needed and place them on c:\windows\system32\ folder. After copying the files you need to register them. Click Start>Run>CMD and then type the following command (hit enter after each command).
regsvr32 netshell.dll
regsvr32 netcfgx.dll
regsvr32 netman.dll
Your Network Connections will now be back to normal.


  1. dude.. it did not help me.. still the network connections is missing

  2. r ur NIC drivers installed properly?if yes, try repairing O/S ..
